Release of the country report on the State of Forest Genetics Resources by Hon'ble Minister of State, on 22-12-12, More... IFGTB: 26.12.2012
Visit of Dr. M. P. Ravindra, Former Vice Chancellor of Manipal International University, Malaysia on 19-12-12 More...... IWST: 26.12.2012
Second Technology Marketing Meet held at IWST, Bangalore on 14th December, 2012 More...... IWST: 24.12.2012
DG, ICFRE addressed a Press Conference at IWST, Bangalore on 13th December, 2012 More...... IWST: 24.12.2012
Forest Products Division, FRI conducted short term training on Classification and Grading of Timber, 17-21 Dec., 2012 More.... FRI: 21.12.2012
An interactive meeting for preparing blue print / action plan for FGRMN at IFGTB on 18th Dec., 2012 More..... IFGTB: 20.12.2012
Training on Designing and Analysis of Plantations to the officials of Karnataka Forest Department at IFGTB, 19-20 Dec., 2012 More... IFGTB: 20.12.2012
Short Term Training Course on Classification and Grading of Timber on 17th-21st December 2012. Photogallery ICFRE: 19.12.2012
Training Programme on "Climate Change, Forest Ecosystem and Biodiversity" on 17-21 Dec. 2012, Photogallery ICFRE: 19.12.2012
Forest Products Division, FRI conducted a training on bamboo value addition at Talwara, Punjab on 11-12 Dec., 2012 More..... FRI: 17.12.2012
Interaction of DG, ICFRE with Forest Officers and Scientists of the IWST, Bangalore on 14th Dec., 2012. More...... IWST: 17.12.2012
The interactive meet with Tree Growers organised under Networking of VVK and KVK inaugurated by DG, ICFRE More..... IFGTB: 14.12.2012
A Report on the Farmers' Training on Bamboo at RFRI, Jorhat from 10th to 12th December, 2012. More....... RFRI: 14.12.2012
Visit of DG, ICFRE to Tirupathi & Tirumala Forest Area and inspection of Red Sanders Timber Depot, 13.12.2012. Photogallery ICFRE: 13.12.2012
Training conducted by IWST to Senior Forest Officers of Maharashtra Forest Deptt. during Dec. 4-6, 2012. More...... IWST: 07.12.2012
First Technology Marketing Meet held at IWST, Bangalore on 5th Dec., 2012. More...... IWST: 07.12.2012
A report on the one day workshop for strengthening Network for Outreach of Research Findings on 30th Nov., 2012 More.... TFRI: 06.12.2012
A Report on the Training of Forest Ranger Trainees from CASFOS, Burnihat, Assam from 21-23, Nov., 2012. More.... RFRI: 05.12.2012
The official launch of a collaborative project between IFGTB and IPMA was held at IFGTB on 3rd Dec., 2012 More...... IFGTB: 04.12.2012
Visit of Dr. H. L. Vijay Kumar, Principal, Army Institute & Design to the IWST, Bangalore on 29th Nov., 2012. More...... IWST: 03.12.2012
Visit of Dr. H. S. Gujral, PCCF Punjab, to the Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Bangalore on 22/11/2012.
More.... IWST: 30.11.2012
Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, DG, ICFRE visited the Centre for Forestry Extension, Research & Eco-tourism, Agartala.
More....... CFERE: 29.11.2012
Training on Nursery Techniques of Atish and Chora important temperate Medicinal Plants held at Khatnol on 25.11.2012
More.... HFRI: 27.11.2012
Training on cultivation of important temperate medicinal Plants at Wild LIfe Interpretation Centre on 18-19, Nov. 2012
More.... HFRI: 23.11.2012
A Report on visit of students to RFRI, Jorhat under Gyanjyoti Programme of Government of Assam from 29-31, Oct., 2012.
More.... RFRI: 23.11.2012
A Report on Celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week at RFRI, Jorhat from 29th Oct. to 3rd Nov., 2012.
More...... RFRI: 23.11.2012
Training on Field identification of important timbers for RFOs of Karnataka at IWST Bangalore, Nov.19-21,2012
More.... IWST: 23.11.2012
Trainees of Forest Training Institute, Kanpur under NBM training programme visited CSFER, Allahabad on 9th Nov., 2012 More.... CSFER: 20.11.2012
Windbreak Agroforestry systems to make agro-ecosystems as more climate change resilient systems More..... IFGTB: 20.11.2012
Inauguration of One week training programme on Climate Change & Carbon Mitigation by DG, ICFRE on 19 Nov, 2012. ICFRE: 19.11.2012. Photogallery
Launching of IFGTB-TNFD-CSIRO Collaborative Project on Expanding Carbon Sinks in Semi-arid Regions of Tamil Nadu. More..... IFGTB: 19.11.2012
Inauguration of two days training workshop for IFS Officers on REDD Plus on 7- 8th Nov., 2012 by DG, ICFRE. Photogallery ICFRE: 07.11.12
Vigilance Awareness Week observed at IFGTB, Coimbatore from 29th October to 3rd November, 2012. More..... IFGTB: 07.11.2012
One week training on livelihood generation through NTFP and medicinal plants organized by IFP, 08-12 Oct., 2012. More... IFP: 06.11.2012
Training Programme on Role of Biodiversity Conser-vation in Poverty Alleviation Rural Livelihood at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More... IFGTB: 01.11.2012
Shri A.K. Srivastava, Inspector General of Forest, MoEF, GOI visited CSFER, Allahabad on 29th Oct., 2012 More..... CSFER: 30.10.2012
IFP has been organized a five days Training Programme on Bamboo propagation, cultivation and management. More.... IFP: 19.10.2012
58 students of B.Sc. Forestry from School of Forestry & Environment, Allahabad visited CSFER, on 12th Oct., 2012 More... CSFER: 17.10.2012
Report of the celebration of Hindi Diwas at IFGTB, Coimbatore on 11th Oct., 2012 More... IFGTB: 12.10.2012
Training on cultivation of important temperate medicinal Plants held at Krishi Vigyan Kendra on 4.10.2012 More.... HFRI: 11.10.2012
TFRI, Jabalpur organized Wildlife Conservation Week in the institute during Oct., 01-07, 2012. More.... TFRI: 21.08.2012
Study tour of Bihrar's Bamboo Craftsmen to Tripura for skill enhancement under SASVPESY Project. More.... IFP: 11.10.2012
A report on the celebration of Hindi Pakhwara and Hindi Diwas at HFRI, Shimla from 10-21 September, 2012 More.... HFRI: 11.10.2012
Two days seminar on Sustainable Management Practices and Livelihood Opportunities at FRI, Dehra Dun on 3-4 Oct., 2012 More..... FRI: 08.10.2012
Meeting on preparation of comprehensive Socio-Economic Plan conducted by Director, IWST on 24-25 Sept., 2012 More..... IWST: 08.10.2012
A brief about Creation of Bio-compost Facilities at IWST, Bangalore and its inauguration on 05th Oct.,2012 More..... IWST: 05.10.2012
Minutes of the meeting on awareness meeting on sexual harassment of women at workplace on 01st Oct., 2012 More... IFGTB: 04.10.2012
Director, IFGTB talks to 1982 batch IFS officers on Biotechnology application at IGNFA Dehradun on 26th Sept., 2012 More... IFGTB: 03.10.2012
Training Programmes on conservation of medicinal plants and quality marketing from 17-21 Sept., 2012 More.... TFRI: 03.10.2012
Report on 7th Network Project partner's workshop held at HAPPRC, Srinagar, Garhwal on 27.09.2012. More... HFRI: 03.10.2012
Report on the Hindi Singing Competition organized at IFGTB on 27th Sept., 2012 More.... IFGTB: 01.10.2012
Report on the visit of Director General, Forest Research Institute Malaysia to the IWST, Bangalore on 28th Sept.,2012 More..... IWST: 01.10.2012
A Report on short term training course on Wood Seasoning from 24-28th September, 2012 at FRI, Dehra Dun. More... FRI: 28.09.2012
TFRI organized a Training programme for front line forest officials of Madhya Pradesh from 25-27 Sept., 2012. More.... TFRI: 28.09.2012
IFP organized a five days training for the 'Panchayat Representatives' from 18-22 Sept., 2012 at IFP Ranchi. More.... IFP: 28.09.2012
Shri Ranjan Chatterjee, IAS, Senior Consultant, Union Planning Commission, Govt. of India, visited IFGTB on Sept. 25, 2012 More.... IFGTB: 25.09.2012
Training on Nursery Techniques and Insect pests management of cold desert species held on 16.09.2012 at Leh (J&K). More... HFRI: 24.09.2012
IWST sponsored a Design Clinic Workshop for the benefit of "Wood and Engineered Wood working Units of Karnataka & AP" More.. IWST: 21.09.2012
A Report on Celebration of Hindi Divas at RFRI, Jorhat More... RFRI: 21.09.2012
Report on the visit of ICIMOD/GIZ Delegation to ICFRE, Dehradun on 13 September, 2012 More... ICFRE: 20.09.2012
Report on the visit of Dr. N. Krishna kumar, Director, IFGTB to attend regional workshop on forest genetic resources in Asia from 12-14, Sept., 2012 More... IFGTB: 19.09.2012
A Report on celebration of Hindi Week at ICFRE from 7-14, September, 2012 More... Photogallery. ICFRE: 19.09.2012
A Report on celebration of Hindi Diwas at Center For Social Forestry and Eco - Rehabilitation, Allahabad More... CSFER: 18.09.2012
A Report on one week compulsory course for IFS officers on Forest Genetic Resource Management More... IFGTB: 17.09.2012
Visit of Dr V. K. Bahuguna, Director General, ICFRE to FRC Hyderabad on September 11, 2012 More... FRC: 17.09.2012
A Report on Celebration of Himalayan Day at RFRI, Jorhat on 9th September, 2012. More... RFRI: 13.09.2012
IFP Ranchi along with CIMAP, Lucknow has created remarkable impact on Lemon Grass growers in Bundu area of Ranchi. More.... IFP: 12.09.2012
National Legislation on Plants under Wild Life Protection Act-1972 Meeting at FRI on 7th September, 2012. More... ICFRE: 12.09.2012
A Report on Celebration of Himalayan Day at ICFRE/FRI on 9th September, 2012. More... FRI: 11.09.2012
A Report on Celebration of Hindi Week at RFRI, Jorhat from 7th September, 2012. More... RFRI: 11.09.2012
A report on the celebration of 3rd Himalayan Day at HFRI, Shimla on 9th September, 2012 More.... HFRI: 10.09.2012
A report on Launching of "Direct to Consumer" scheme of ICFRE at IFP, Ranchi More.... IFP: 05.09.2012
Dr. D.N. Tewari, Chairman of QRT along with other team members visited the IFP, Ranchi on 26th August 2012 More.... IFP: 05.09.2012
On-site Training, demonstration and motivation programme for cultivation of medicinal plants. More... CSFER: 04.09.2012
IFGTB conducted an Awareness Training Workshop on the CITES on 30-31 August, 2012. More... IFGTB: 03.09.2012
Report on the opening of Sadbhawana Weak by Director, TFRI, Jabalpur on 31st August, 2012. More.... TFRI: 31.08.2012
A Report on Establishment of Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory at ARCBR, Aizawl on 6th August, 2012. More... ARCBR: 31.08.2012
Forest Scientists training at IFP, Ranchi for revival of lac cultivation in India, 17-19 August, 2012 More.... IFP: 23.08.2012
Report on the visit of Shri C.V. Shankar, IAS, Principal Secretary, Govt. of Tamil Nadu at IFGTB on 21.08.2012. More... IFGTB: 23.08.2012
Report on the celebration of Independence day at IFGTB, Coimbatore on 15.08.2012. More.... IFGTB: 23.08.2012
IFP Ranchi has completed a project on "Greeen Belt Development around Damodar Valley Corporation, CTPS, Chandrapura. More.... IFP: 23.08.2012
The Stakeholders meet of IFGTB with Kerala Forest Department was held at Thiruvananthapuram on 13.08.2012. More.... IFGTB: 22.08.2012
Report on the celebration of Independence Day-2012 at TFRI, Jabalpur on 15th August, 2012. More.... TFRI: 21.08.2012
Visit of Dr V. K. Bahuguna, Director General, ICFRE to Bellary on August 18, 2012 More... IWST: 20.08.2012
A Report of Celebration of 66th Independence Day at RFRI, Jorhat on 15th August, 2012. More... RFRI: 16.08.2012
Launching of Technical Consultancy by IFGTB, Coimbatore on Casuarina improvement to Bilt Tree Tech Limited. More.... IFGTB: 14.08.2012
Stakeholder meeting of IFGTB Coimbatore with Tamil Nadu Forest Department at Chennai on 08.08.2012. More.... IFGTB: 13.08.2012
A Report on Training of Final Year B.Sc. (Forestry) students of College of Horticulture & Forestry, Pasighat. More... RFRI: 07.08.2012
Visit of Director General, ICFRE to TFRI, Jabalpur from 30th July - 1st August, 2012. More.... TFRI: 03.08.2012
A Report on Training cum workshop on Application of GPS in Forestry for Forest Officers of Nagaland Forest Department. More... RFRI: 03.08.2012
A Report on the Training of Bamboo from 18th June to 14th August, 2012 at China National Bamboo Research Centre, Hangzhou, China More... RFRI: 01.08.2012
Stakeholder meeting of IFGTB Coimbatore with Tamil Nadu Forest Plantation Corporation held at Tirucharapalli. More.... IFGTB: 01.08.2012
IFP Ranchi conducted a training program on Lac Cultivation for Farmers at Gutuhatu and Kudrapurti More.... IFP: 31.07.2012
IFP Ranchi to provide guidelines and technical support to WB Forest Development Corporation on Lac Cultivation. More.... IFP: 31.07.2012
IFGTB hosts Senegalese Researcher for Post Doctoral studies under the Prestigious CV Raman Fellowship. More.... IFGTB: 27.07.2012
AFRI, Jodhpur celebrated the Van Mahotsava on 19th July at KV No.1, Air Force, Jodhpur. More.... AFRI: 25.07.2012
TFRI steered Achanakmar- Amarkantak Reserve under UNESCO Biosphere Network. More.... TFRI: 17.07.2012
A Report on visit of students from Khoirabari H.S. School, Udalguri, Assam to RFRI, Jorhat on 9th July, 2012 More.... RFRI: 12.07.2012
Report on International Symposium on Reclamation, Rehabilitation and Restoration towards a Greener Asia. More.... IFGTB: 10.07.2012
Hybrid breeding: Release of fullsib test seedlots of Eucalypts and Corymbia by IFGTB, Coimbatore More.... IFGTB: 09.07.2012
Closing Ceremony of Training on Laboratory Management for support scientific staff at TFRI, Jabalpur on 29 June, 2012 More.... TFRI: 04.07.2012
A Training on Laboratory Management for support scientific staff under HRD Plan of ICFRE at TFRI, Jabalpur, 25-29 June, 2012 More.... TFRI: 27.06.2012
Visit of student from Venkat International School, Rajajinagar to IWST Woods Museum during 18-21 June, 2012 More..... IWST: 25.06.2012
A Training on Bamboo, Ringal and Grass based jewellery making at FRI from 18th to 22nd June. 2012 More.... FRI: 25.06.2012
Stakeholders Meeting on Validation of Descriptors of Casuarinas and Eucalypts held at IFGTB, Coimbatore on 15th June, 2012 More.... IFGTB: 20.06.2012
Regional Workshop on Revision of National Working Plan Code 2004 was held at IWST, Bangalore on 13th -14th June, 2012 More.... IWST: 19.06.2012
A report on world environment day 2012 celebrated at IWST, Bangalore on 05th June, 2012 More.... IWST:19.06.2012
A Report on World Environment Day-2012 celebrated by RFRI, Jorhat on 5th June, 2012 More.... RFRI: 07.06.2012
A Report on farewell of Shri. N.K. Vasu, Director, RFRI, Jorhat on 31st May, 2012 More.... RFRI: 07.06.2012
A Report on World Environment Day-2012 celebrated by IFGTB Coimbatore on 5th June, 2012 More.... IFGTB: 06.06.2012
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Assam visited IWST, Bangalore on 01st June, 2012 More.... IWST:06.06.2012
Meeting with Chief Minister, Jharkhand of Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, Director General, ICFRE, Dehra Dun More.... IFP: 04.06.2012
Training of Dr. Modhumita Dasgupta, Scientist – E IFGTB at Texas A&M University, USA under the DBT-CREST Award More.... IFGTB: 29.05.2012
A team of fifty students accompanied by two teachers from Chandigarh visited FRI on 15th May, 2012 More.... FRI: 16.05.2012
ICFRE Scientists took part in International Bamboo Training at Hangzhou, China from 24th April, 2012 to 18th June, 2012 More.... IWST:09.05.2012
Technology Package for Raising Sandal Plantations from QPM Stock of Sandalwood Seedlings at IWST, Bangalore More.... IWST: 08.05.2012
Awareness Programmes by Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, on Solid Waste Manage-ment at IWST Campus on 16th & 23rd April, 2012 More....IWST: 01.05.2012
A meeting of Director, IWST with stakeholders during his visit in the Chepala Uppada fisher village on 10th April, 2012
More.... IWST: 24.04.2012
Press Conference on 12th April, 2012 by the Director on Future Programmes by the Wood Biodegradation Centre at Vishakhapatnam More.... IWST:23.04.2012
Director IWST delivering a lecture to the Officers and other Personnel of Indian Navy at Vishakhapatnam on 11th April, 2012. More.... IWST: 23.04.2012
An Advanced Centre for Mining Rehabilitation and Reclamation Center is recently started at IWST, Bangalore. More.... IWST: 17.04.2012
A Report on Eucalypts Hybrid Breeding Programme at IFGTB, Coimbatore More.... IFGTB: 11.04.2012
A report on the Specialized Training Programme on Nanotechnology at IWST, Bangalore from 22-25 Feb. 2012. More.... IWST: 09.04.2012
HFRI, Shimla and Director, FTI, Sundernagar organized a one day trainng at VVK, Sunder Nagar on 28th March 2012. More.... HFRI: 04.04.2012
Interactive meeting on various issues pertaining to quality parameters of nursery stock at Shimla & Rampur on 21.03.2012. More.... HFRI: 04.04.2012
IFGTB has established a capillary based automated genotyping facility for the development of trait targeted DNA marker More.... IFGTB:30.03.2012
Training on Field Identification of Wood for RFOs of Karnataka State Forest Department at IWST, 21-23 Feb, 2012. More.... IWST:30.03.2012
Training Programme on Role of Micro and Macro Propagation for Large Scale Production at IFGTB on 26-27 March, 2012. More.... IFGTB:29.03.2012
The Forester Trainees of 61st batch from Assam Forest School, Guwahati visited RFRI, Jorhat on 26th March, 2012. More.... RFRI: 29.03.2012
Report on TFRI participated in Madhya Pradesh Vigyan and Gramin Prodyogiki Mela 2012 from 17-19 March, 2012 at Jabalpur. More.... TFRI: 27.03.2012
Report on TFRI organized one day workshop on Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve on 3rd March, 2012 at Bilaspur. More.... TFRI: 27.03.2012
Report on the National Seminar on Forest Health Management organized by IFGTB on 21-22 March, 2012. More.... IFGTB: 26.03.2012
Training programme for officials from Horticulture Department of Govt. of Tamil Nadu was conducted at IFGTB, Coimbatore More.... IFGTB:26.03.2012
The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Mizoram inaugurated the new building of ARCBR, Aizwal on 16th March, 2012. More.... RFRI: 26.03.2012
A Wood Museum cum Interpretation Centre has established at IWST, Bangalore in January, 2012. More.... IWST: 23.03.2012
A International Conference and Exhibition on Art and Joy of Wood organized by IWST, Bangalore in 19-22 Oct. 2011. More.... IWST: 23.03.2012
RFRI Jorhat celebrates World Forestry Day 2012 on 21st March 2012 in collaboration with UTTARAN, a youth group. More.... RFRI: 23.03.2012
A team of high level Dignitaries from Thailand visited RFRI, Jorhat on 21st Feb. 2012. More.... RFRI: 22.03.2012
Visit of delegation from SAARC Forestry Centre, Thimpu, Bhutan to HFRI, Shimla on 5th March, 2012. More.... HFRI: 22.03.2012
One day training on Herbarium Preparation was organized by IFP under the project on Reassignment of Forest types in India. More.... IFP: 21.03.2012
Report on two days seminar cum training programme on Seed handling and nursery technology for biodiversity conservation.. More.... IFGTB: 21.03.2012
One day consultative Workshop on Rural Liveli- hood Improvement through Lac Cultivation at IFP, Ranchi on 27th Feb. 2012. More.... IFP: 20.03.2012
A training on 'Cultivation, Utilization, marketing problems and solution was conducted at FTI, Haldwani on 13-15 March, 2012 More.... FRI: 19.03.2012
Evaluation & characteriza-tion of clones of casuarina with reference to yield, biomass pulping characteri-stics and key More.... IFGTB: 16.03.2012
The Vilvekam Biopesticide product was released by Shri A.S. Balanathan, IFS, PCCF at IFGTB, Coimbatore on 24th Feb, 2012 More.... IFGTB: 13.03.2012
The Hon'able Mr. Adarsh Kumar Goel, Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court visited RFRI, Jorhat on 17th Feb. 2012 More.... RFRI: 12.03.2012
28 Forest Range Officers from Central Academy of State Forest Service, Burnihat visited RFRI, Jorhat from 2-5 Feb. 2012 More.... RFRI: 12.03.2012
RFRI conducted a week long training on forestry for Officers and Jawans of 134 & 135 Infantry Battalion from 19-23 Dec,2011 More.... RFRI: 12.03.2012
Training on Innovative Techniques in Urban Forestry organized by IFGTB on 01-02 March, 2012 More.... IFGTB: 09.03.2012 Photogallery
FRI has organized a three days training on 'Cultivation of medicinal plants & mushroom, from 27-29 Feb 2012 at Demo Village. More.... FRI: 07.03.2012
IFP Ranchi organized one day workshop on Candidate Plus Tree Selection in Anogeissus...on 11th Jan 2012 at Bhubaneswar. More.... IFP: 05.03.2012
IFP Ranchi organized a three days training programme on 'Scientific lac cultivation' 7-9 Dec. 2011 at Ranchi. More.... IFP: 05.03.2012
Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, DG, ICFRE convened a follow up meeting through VC with directors of all institutes on 01.03.2012. More.... ICFRE: 02.03.2012
Report on two days Training on public private partnership organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 21-22 Feb,2012 More.... IFGTB: 29.02.2012
Dr. Albert Nikiema, FAO Officer visit to IFGTB on 28.02. 2012 for preparation of country report on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR). More.... IFGTB: 29.02.2012
Training Course on 'Laboratory Management', for the support staff started at FRI on 27th Feb. 2012 More.... FRI: 28.02.2012
Proceedings of the training on Conserving Natural Resources for sustainable development, 22-23 Feb. 2012 at AFRI, Jodhpur More.... AFRI: 27.02.2012
Report on the Tree Growers Mela 2012 inaugurated by Hon'ble Minister of State on 23rd Feb. 2012 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... Photogallery IFGTB:24.02.12
Training on Urban Forestry, Cultivation & Utilization of medicinal plants and eco-friendly colours of Holi, 8-10 Feb.2012 at VVK Chandigarh. More.... FRI: 15.02.2012
Two days Training Program on Biotechnological Applications in Tree Breeding, 9th-10th Feb. 2012 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 15.02.2012
Workshop on Preparation of Country Report on Forest Genetic Resources, 7th-8th February 2012 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 09.02.2012
Workshop on Assessment of Forest Types of India, 2nd February 2012 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 06.02.2012
Celebration of Republic Day (26th January, 2012) at IFGTB, Coimbatore. Photogallery IFGTB: 01.02.2012
Visit of Klaus V. Gadow, Retired Professor University of Gottingen, Germany to the RFRI, Jorhat More.... RFRI: 31.01.2012
Proceedings of National Symposium on Assessment & Conservation of Forest Genetic at IFP Ranchi, 19-20 Dec.'11 More.... IFP: 20.01.2012
Report on visit of DG, ICFRE to HFRI, Shimla and States of Himachal Pradesh More.... Prime News HFRI: 03.01.2012