Archive :
ICFRE Updates
January 2013 -
December, 2013
A Report on Exposure Visit-cum- Educational Tour of motivated farmers from Khatnol Panchayat of Distt. Shimla (HP) organized by HFRI on 26.12.2013 to its campus and also to Western Himalayan Temperate Arboretum, Shimla. More........ HFRI: 27.12.2013
A Report on the Sixth one day Kisan Mela at Vinod Van Ramgarh Forest Campus of Gorakhpur organized by Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER), Allahabad on 19.12.2013. More......... CSFER: 24.12.2013
A report on the Five days Training Programme on Demonstration Training on Bamboo Handicrafts at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun from 16th to 20th December, 2013. More......... FRI: 20.12.2013
A short term training arranged from 02-12 Dec., 2013 to the Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) on maintenance of laboratory, Nursery, estate maintenance, house keeping etc. at IFGTB Coimbatore. More........... IFGTB: 19.12.2013
Visit of state forest service officer trainees from Center Academy for State Forest Service(CASFOS) to IFGTB Coimbatore on 17.12.2013. More........... IFGTB: 18.12.2013
IFGTB, Coimbatore establishing research stations at various agro-climatic zones in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The latest one inaugurated by Director, IFGTB at Neyveli on 13.12.2013. More........... IFGTB: 17.12.2013
A report on the Five days Specialized Training on Agroforestry and Land Management conducted by Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun from 9th to 13th December, 2013 for the farmers of State of Bihar. More......... FRI: 16.12.2013
A Report on the Fifth Kisan Mela at Sarnath Forest Rest House, Varanasi organized by Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER), Allahabad on 04.12.2013. More......... CSFER: 11.12.2013
A team of 96 students of class VII of Delhi Public School, ONGC Nazira, Sivasagar District of Assam visited Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat on 7th December, 2013. More......... RFRI: 10.12.2013
A 12 member delegation of the Royal Govt. of
Bhutan visited Himalayan Forest Research Institute
(HFRI), Shimla on 6th December, 2013.
More........... HFRI:
Training cum Awareness programme of "Capacity building
for making value added products of bamboo handicrafts
through improved technology" organized by RFRI, Jorhat
on 4 - 7 Nov., 2013. More.........
RFRI: 06.12.2013
Undergraduate students of Visakha Government Degree
College for Women, Visakhapatnam visited Indian Wood
Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore on 3rd
December, 2013.
More........... IWST:
Extension activities during the month of November, 2013
of Indian Wood Science and Technology (IWST),
More........... IWST:
Dy. Director General, National Bamboo Mission and
Directors, State Bamboo Mission visited
Indian Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore
on 27th November, 2013.
More........... IWST:
A Workshop on Recent Advances in Biofuels conducted by
Indian Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore
on 22nd - 23rd November, 2013.
More........... IWST:
The Director General, ICFRE Shri K. Jude Sekar visited
Indian Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore
on 14th November, 2013.
More........... IWST:
The concluding programme of the Vigilance Awareness Week
conducted on 1st November, 2013 at IWST, Bangalore.
More........... IWST:
XV Research Advisory Group Meeting held at
Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi on 27-28
November, 2013.
More........... IFP:
Three days Training on Eco-Restoration of
Wastelands organized by Institute of Forest
Productivity, Ranchi on 4th December, 2013.
More........... IFP:
A report on two days Training Programme on Conservation,
Utilization and Cultivation of important temperate
medicinal plants held at KVK Saru, Chamba on
25-26th November, 2013.
More........... HFRI:
IFGTB, Coimbatore has brought out very good
publications (include books, brochures, project
findings, bulletins etc.) over the years.
Some of the publication have been in constant demand.
More........... IFGTB:
A report on the National Workshop on Tree Seed Science
and Silviculture held at Institute of Forest
Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore on 28 -
29th November 2013.
More........... IFGTB:
XV Research Advisory Group Meeting held at Himalayan
Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla on 20th
November, 2013.
More........... HFRI:
Training cum Demonstration on "Bio-fertilizer Production
and Application in Nursery and Field" funded by HADP,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu held at Ootacamund, Nilgiris
District on 22.11.2013.
More........... IFGTB:
A Report on the Kisan Mela at Regional
Institute of Rural Development, Raebarli organized
by Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER),
Allahabad on 23.11.2013.
CSFER: 26.11.2013
A report on the Five days Specialized Training on
Agroforestry and Land Management conducted by Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun from 18th to 22nd
November, 2013 for the farmers of Bihar.
More......... FRI: 25.11.2013
A report on the Five days Training program on Bamboo
Handicrafts for Farmers/Artisans under BTSG, ICFRE
Dehradun and National Bamboo Mission inaugurated at IFP,
Ranchi on 18th November, 2013.
More......... IFP: 21.11.2013
Bamboo Handicraft Training organized by Rain Forest
Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat from 21st
- 25th Oct. 2013 under the 'Direct to Consumers'
Programme of ICFRE.
More........... RFRI:
A Report on the Kisan Mela organized by Centre for
Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER),
Allahabad on 13.11.2013.
CSFER: 18.11.2013
A report on Expert Group Meeting on Adaptation to
Climate Change impacts and risks to different forest
types of South Asia organized on 22 - 24 Oct. 2013 by
SAARC Forestry Centre, Bhutan and RFRI, Jorhat
More........... RFRI:
A report of celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week-2013
from 28.10.2013 to 02.11.2013 at RFRI, Jorhat
More........... RFRI:
Research Advisory Group Meeting held at IFGTB,
Coimbatore on 24-25 October, 2013
More........... IFGTB:
A report on the Extension Activities by Institute of
Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore in the
month of October, 2013.
More........... IWST:
A Report on the visit of Trainees from Forest Rangers
College, Balaghat, M.P. at CSFER, Allabahad on
29.10.2013 during study tour.
CSFER: 06.11.2013
A Report on the celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week
2013 at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB),
Coimbatore from 28.10.2013 to 02.11.2013.
IFGTB: 06.11.2013
A Report on closing ceremony of Vigilance awareness week
on 4th November, 2013 at TFRI, Jabalpur.
More.......... TFRI: 05.11.2013
A report on the meeting organized by the Extension
Division, IFP, Ranchi on 11th October, 2013
in order to promote awareness about lac cultivation on
Flemengia semialata.
More.......... IFP: 01.11.2013
Vigilance Awareness Week inaugurated at Institute of
Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi on 28th October,
More.......... IFP: 01.11.2013
A Report of the Research Advisory Group (RAG) meeting
held on 21st - 22nd October, 2013 at Tropical
Forest Research Institute (TFRI), Jabalpur.
More......... TFRI:
A Report on the Second one day Kisan Mela on Role of
Social Forestry on Economic Development of Farmers was
organized on 28.10.2013 at Kotwan Mirzapur.
CSFER: 31.10.2013
A report of the visit of students under Assam Chief
Minister's Gyanjyoti Programme from 23rd to 25th
October, 2013.
More............... RFRI:
A report on the Sandal Training for Farmers in
Collaboration with Forest Department at Institute of
Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore on 23rd
October, 2013.
More........... IWST:
A Report of the Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI),
Jabalpur has started Vigilance Awareness Week from
28th October to 2nd November, 2013.
More......... TFRI:
Training programmes on "Sustainable harvesting and
regeneration of NTFPs includes medicinal plants" were
organized by IFP, Ranchi at Rourkela and Rayagada,
Odisha on 16-17 September and 19-20 September 2013.
More.......... IFP: 24.10.2013
Dr. Papori Phukan Borpuzari, Research Officer, RFRI,
Jorhat (Assam) attended the International Conference on
Agar Wood (ICA 2013) at Ming Dao University, Peetow,
Changhua, Taiwan (ROC) from 27-29 September, 2013.
More........... RFRI:
Report on the ten days Training cum Workshop on Bamboo
Handicrafts at RFRI, Jorhat under the Direct to
Consumer's Programme of ICFRE during 26th September
to 5th October, 2013.
More........... RFRI:
Report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at Himalayan
Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla
from 14th September to 28th September, 2013.
More.......... HFRI:
The Training, Extension and Education Centre of
Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi was
inaugurated by Shri Rameshwar Das, IFS on
3rd October, 2013.
More.......... IFP: 14.10.2013
A report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at
Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST),
Bangalore from 14th to
28th September, 2013.
More........... IWST:
RFRI, Jorhat in association with Axom Sarba Siksha
Abhijan Mission, Jorhat District taken up plantation
programme in one school viz. 400 No. Chipahikhola Local
Primary School on 14th September, 2013.
More......... RFRI: 10.10.2013
Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur took part
in the Farmers Fair at Kazari on 18th September,
More........... AFRI:
A Report on the three days VVK training was organized by
Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur at
Gujarat Forest Rangers College, Rajpipla from 3rd to 5th
October, 2013.
More........... AFRI:
The Division of Genetics & Plant Propagation, TFRI,
Jabalpur organized a Training Program for B.Sc.
(Forestry) VII Semester students of Guru Ghasidas
University, Bilaspur from 23.09.2013 to 5.10.2013.
More......... TFRI:
A Report on the inauguration of Interpretation Centre of
Lead Garden at Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP),
Ranchi on 27th September, 2013.
More.......... IFP: 08.10.2013
A Report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at
Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur from 13th
to 27th September, 2013.
More........... AFRI:
The Extension activities during the month of September,
2013 by Institute of Wood Science and
Technology (IWST), Bangalore.
More........... IWST:
Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla organized a
two days workshop-cum-training programme on Climate
Change Adaptation in the Himalayan Region on 3rd -
4th October, 2013.
More.......... HFRI:
A Report on the celebration of Hindi Saptah at
Institute of Forest General and Tree Breeding (IFGTB),
Coimbatore from 20th - 27th
September, 2013.
IFGTB: 04.10.2013
A Report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at
Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER),
Allahabad from 13th to 27th
September, 2013.
CSFER: 03.10.2013
Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun organized
one day farmers training at KVK Yamunagar on 01st
October, 2013.
FRI: 03.10.2013
The five days training on Bamboo Handicraft organized
by BTSG-ICFRE from 23rd - 27th September, 2013 at
Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI), Jabalpur.
TFRI: 03.10.2013
The Kisan Mela was organized by Centre for Social
Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation (CSFER), Allahabad
on 27th September, 2013.
CSFER: 01.10.2013
The National Seminar on Tree Biotechnology-2013 Emerging Opportunities in Forestry and Tree Science was held at the IFGTB, Coimbatore on 23rd - 24th September, 2013. More......... IFGTB: 26.09.2013
A report on the visit of Shri Sreeshan Raghavan, Joint Secretary, Department of Biotechnology to IFGTB, Coimbatore on 16th - 24th September, 2013. More......... IFGTB: 26.09.2013
A report on the visit of students of Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL) to Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla on 24th September, 2013. More.......... HFRI: 25.09.2013
A report of the Training on Bamboo Agarbatti Sticks making under Direct-to-Consumer Project at Nemuguri, Sivasagar on 5th September, 2013. More............. RFRI: 24.09.2013
A report of the celebration of Hindi week at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat from 9th to 16th September, 2013. More............. RFRI: 24.09.2013
A report on the Training of Trainee Forest Range Officers from CASFOS Burnihat, Assam from 01st to 4th September, 2013 at RFRI, Jorhat. More............. RFRI: 24.09.2013
Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun conducted a one week specialized training on 'Agroforestry and Land Management from 16th to 20th September, 2013. More......... FRI: 23.09.2013
A Report on the celebration of Hindi pakwada at Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi from 01 September to 14th September, 2013. More.......... IFP: 23.09.2013
Sh. Kantharaj Judesekar, IFS, Director General, ICFRE, Dehra Dun visit HFRI Shimla on 19-20 September, 2013 to review its ongoing research activities and other related works of the institute. More.......... HFRI: 23.09.2013
The Stakeholders meeting for Karnataka State was organized by Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore on 17th September, 2013. More........... IWST: 23.09.2013
Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore celebrated World Bamboo Day on 18th September, 2013. More........... IWST: 20.09.2013
A report of one week training on 'Improved Seed and Nursery Technology' organized by Silviculture Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun from 9th to 13th September, 2013. More......... FRI: 20.09.2013
A report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad from 13th to 27th September, 2013. More......... CSFER: 19.09.2013
CSFER, Allahabad organized a Farmers' Training Programme on 18th, September, 2013. More......... CSFER: 19.09.2013
IFGTB, Coimbatore organized a five day refresher training programme for the IFS Officers on "Forest Genetic Resource Management" from 16th - 20th September, 2013. More......... IFGTB: 19.09.2013
A report of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun organized an exhibition on Kissan Mela at KVK Patiala on 5th September, 2013. More......... FRI: 19.09.2013
A report on the RFRI Scientists participate International Scientific Symposium on Agar-wood-2013 from 3rd to 5th September, 2013 at University Putra, Malaysia. More............. RFRI: 18.09.2013
A report on the celebration of Hindi Pakwada at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur from 2nd to 16th September, 2013. More........... TFRI: 17.09.2013
A report of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun organized five days training programme for Farmers of Bihar State from 2nd to 6th September, 2013 in collaboration with Bihar Forest Department. More....... FRI: 11.09.2013
A report on the opening ceremony of Hindi Week from 9th to 16th September, 2013 at RFRI, Jorhat. More..... RFRI: 11.09.2013
A report of the celebration of Himalayan Day at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun on 09th September, 2013. More.......... FRI: 10.09.2013
The Hon'ble Ambassador of Italy His Excellency Mr. Daniele Mancini in India, visited the Advanced Wood Working Training Centre (AWTC) of IWST on 6th September, 2013. More........... IWST: 09.09.2013
A Training on cultivation of Ganoderma Lucidum and Dhingri Mushroom organized by FRI, Dehradun on 05.09.2013 at KVK Yamuna Nagar. More.......... FRI: 06.09.2013
HFRI, Shimla organized a one day meeting on Networking of Van Vigyan Kendras with Krishi Vigyan Kendras on 30.08.2013 at Conference Hall, HFRI. More.......... HFRI: 03.09.2013
A consultative regional workshop for finalization of the indicator frame work for issue related to Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought was held on 30.08.2013. More.......... IFB: 03.09.2013
A report of Dr. N. Krishna Kumar, IFS, Director, IFGTB, Coimbatore on "the Regional Workshop for Asia, Pacific and Oceania on identification of timber species and origins at Beijing China on 20th and 21st August, 2013" More.......... IFGTB: 29.08.2013
A report on the celebration of 67th Independence day on 15th August, 2013 at IWST, Banglore. More........... IWST: 29.08.2013
A report on " Training cum Demonstration on Biofertilizer Production and Application in Nursery and Field" at IFGTB, Coimbatore on 22-08-2013. More.......... IFGTB: 27.08.2013
A report on the celebration of Van Mahotsava at AFRI, Jodhpur. More......... AFRI: 21.08.2013
A report on the celebration of 67th Independence day on 15th August, 2013 at AFRI, Jodhpur. More......... AFRI: 21.08.2013
A Report on the celebration of Sadbhawana Pakhwada at TFRI, Jabalpur on 20th August, 2013. More..... TFRI: 20.08.2013
A report on the celebration of 67th Independence day on 15th August, 2013 at RFRI, Jorhat. More..... RFRI: 19.08.2013
A report on the celebration of 67th Independence day on 15th August, 2013 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More..... IFGTB:19.08.2013
A Report on the celebration of 67th Independence Day on 15th August, 2013 at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 16.08.2013
Van Mahotsva was celebrated by CSFER, Allahabad at Village Hema Ka Pura in Jaunpur District on 2nd August, 2013. More..... CSFER:06.08.2013
Training workshop on “Bioprospecting – role of state forest departments” during 1-2 August, 2013 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More..... IFGTB:06.08.2013
Bamboo Handicraft Training Demo village at RFRI, Jorhat from 22nd to 26th July, 2013. More...... RFRI: 30.07.2013
Dr. Sugato Dutt, I.F.S from Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission visited IFGTB on 19.07.2013. More..... IFGTB: 26.07.2013
Establishment of Teak Multiplication Centre and the VMG for production of quality planting material. More..... IFGTB: 23.07.2013
HFRI, Shimla celebrated the 'Van Mahotsva" day on 20th July, 2013 at Mashobra, Shimla More...... HFRI: 22.07.2013
Bharatha Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Birth Anniversary celebrated by IWST SC/ST Employees Welfare association on 18.06.2013. More... IWST: 17.07.2013
Training on Application of technological and research interventions for enhancing forest productivity at Leh on 08.07.2013. More...... HFRI: 17.07.2013
Dr. N. Krishan Kumar, Director, IFGTB inaugurated the new Infrastructures developed for scaling up. More..... IFGTB: 11.07.2013
Hon'ble Minister (Forest) Govt. of Tamilnadu and the Mayor of Coimbatore visited Gass Forest Museum, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 11.07.2013
A Report on the three days training on Cultivation of Medicinal Plants at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 09.07.2013
Report on Common Facility Center for Bamboo Processing and Training at FRI, Dehra Dun. on 4th July, 2013 More..... FRI: 05.07.2013
Visit of Students of Lakhead University, Canada and Amity University at AFRI, Jodhpur. More..... AFRI: 05.07.2013
Report on celebration of Environment Day on 5th June, 2013 at AFRI, Jodhpur. More..... AFRI: 05.07.2013
Report on Training cum workshop on Essential oils, perfumery & Aromatherapy, 26-30 June, 2013 at FRI, Dehra Dun. More..... FRI: 04.07.2013
Visit of IFS Probationers to Western Himalayan Temperate Arboretum, HFRI, Shimla. More...... HFRI: 04.07.2013
The BTSG of ICFRE and FRI, Dehra Dun jointly hosted a 5 days training on Bamboo/Ringal Handicrafts for the farmers/Artisans. More..... FRI: 03.07.2013
A Report on the visit of the trainees of Indira Gandhi Forest Guard School, Panchmadi (M.P.) at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 02.07.2013
A Report on Bamboo Handicraft training programme organized at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 28.06.2013
IFP promoting Lac Cultivation through training to the farmers and NGOs at IFP, Ranchi. More..... IFP: 26.06.2013
Educational Visit of farmers at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 26.06.2013
Visit of forest guards from Rajiv Gandhi Forestry Training Institute, Lakhnadon, Seoni, M.P. at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 26.06.2013
Establishment of Mother Bed Chamber Facility at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 25.06.2013
Training on Nursery & Clonal Technology under HRD program of ICFRE from 24 to 28 June 2013 held at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 25.06.2013
Training of Field Functionaries from Karbi Anglong District at RFRI, Jorhat from 26th May, 2013 to 30th May, 2013. More...... RFRI: 19.06.2013
Exposure Visit of Field Functionaries of Meghalaya Forest Department at RFRI, Jorhat on 23rd May, 2013. More...... RFRI: 19.06.2013
Meeting on Programme Advisory Committee for Ecosystem Research Programme (EcRP) organized at HFRI, Shimla. More...... HFRI: 14.06.2013
National Workshop on Eucalyptus Gall Wasp-Present Status and Future Strategies on 10-06-2013 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.... IFGTB: 14.06.2013
Training of Forestry Students of Mizoram University, Aizwal from 6th to 7th June, 2013 was held at RFRI, Jorhat. More...... RFRI: 10.06.2013
The International day for Biological Diversity celebrated by IFB, Hyderabad on 22nd May, 2013. More....... IFB:: 07.06.2013
TFRI Jabalpur has celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2013. More..... TFRI: 07.06.2013
HFRI Shimla has celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2013 with school children. More...... HFRI: 07.06.2013
RFRI, Jorhat celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2013 with Panchawati Prakiti Mancha. More...... RFRI: 07.06.2013
Training and Demonstration Programme on Cultivation of important Temperate Medicinal plants, 22-24 May, 2013 at Manali.
More.... HFRI: 30.05.2013
The International Day for Biological Diversity celebrated by AFRI, Jodhpur on 22nd May, 2013.
More..... AFRI: 29.05.2013
The International Day for Biological Diversity celebrated by TFRI, Jabalpur on 22nd May, 2013.
More..... TFRI: 27.05.2013
The International day for Biological Diversity celebrated by RFRI, Jorhat on 22nd May, 2013.
More...... RFRI: 27.05.2013
The International day for Biological Diversity celebrated by HFRI, Shimla on 22nd May, 2013.
More.... HFRI: 27.05.2013
The International Day for Biological Diversity was celebrated in the IFGTB, Coimbatore on 22nd May,2013.
More...... IFGTB: 27.05.2013
A nature club was inaugurated at IFGTB on 22nd May, 2013 as a part of the IBD-2013.
More...... IFGTB: 27.05.2013
Visit of Shri K. Jude Sekar, Director General of Forests and Special Secretary, MoEF, Govt. of India to the IWST.
More.... IWST: 27.05.2013
International Biodiversity Day was celebrated at Center for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad.
More.... CSFER: 23.05.2013
Celebration of International Biodiversity Day - 2013 on 22nd May 2013 at FRI, Dehradun.
More.... FRI: 22.05.2013
Five days Field Functionaries Training on Bamboo Propagation and Management was organized by FDA.
More.... RFRI: 21.05.2013
Students of Forest Science & Environment Manage-ment from Lakehead University, Canada visited HFRI on 12.05.2013.
More.... HFRI: 16.05.2013
A report on National Seminar on Recent Advances in Applied Statistics and its Application in Forestry. More..... TFRI: 23.04.2013
Chemistry Division, FRI conducted a Training on 'Quality Silk Production using Herbal product Samriddhi'. More...... FRI: 16.04.2013
A report on inauguration of three days national seminar on Applied Statistics at TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 15.04.2013
Visit of Smt. Subhashini Srinivasan, IAAS, Principal Accountant General, Chennai to IFGTB on 8th April, 2013 More...... IFGTB: 09.04.2013
Dr. S. Kedharnath Memorial Lecture-2013 was held at Seminar Hall, IFGTB, Coimbatore on 4th April, 2013 More...... IFGTB: 08.04.2013
RFRI Conducts Training-cum-Workshop on bamboo handicrafts under the Direct to Consumer Programme of ICFRE. More..... RFRI: 04.04.2013
Bamboo Agarbatti Sticks making workshop at Sipahikhola, Jorhat on 19th March, 2013. More..... RFRI: 04.04.2013
Bamboo Agarbatti Sticks making workshop at Borholla, Jorhat on 21st January, 2013. More..... RFRI: 04.04.2013
One day farmers Training cum Workshop on Reclamation of Waterlogged Sites through Biodrainage by CSFER More.... CSFER:03.04.2013
Report of Training on Shifting Cultivation Practices vis-a-vis Livelihood Opportunities in North East India. More..... RFRI: 03.04.2013
ICFREsponsored Specialised Training Programme on Genetic Engineering at IFGTB, Coimbatore, 11-22 March, 2013 More..... IFGTB: 03.04.2013
Dr. S. Kedharnath Memorial Lecture (KML-2013) scheduled on 4th April, 2013 at Seminar Hall, IFGTB, Coimbatore More.... IFGTB: 03.04.2013
RFRI conducts Training-cum-Technology Transfer Programme under 'Direct to Consumer Scheme' of the ICFRE. More..... RFRI: 02.04.2013
Eleven Seater battery operated cart was inaugurated by Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, DG, ICFRE on 1.4.2013. more..... Photo Gallery ICFRE:1.04.2013
Dr. S. KEDHARNATH Memorial Lecture 2013 (KML-2013) scheduled on 4th April, 2013. more..... IFGTB: 1.04.2013
Visit of Shri R. Sridharan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Government of Karnataka, visited IFGTB, More..... IFGTB: 31.03.2013
World Forestry Day Celebrated at RFRI, Jorhat on 21st March, 2013. More..... RFRI: 28.03.2013
Dr. S. Nagrajan, Chair of excellence, FGRMN visited promising teak area of M.P. and Maharashtra from 14-16 March, 2013. More..... TFRI: 26.03.2013
One day farmers Training cum awareness programme on Timber markets of Agroforestry species organized by CSFER More..... CSFER:26.03.2013
One day farmers Training cum awareness programme on Timber Agroforestry species organized by CSFER More....... CSFER: 26.03.2013
Foreign Saru for high yield clonal plantation at IFGTB, Coimbtore. More....... IFGTB: 26.03.2013
FRI, Dehra dun organized one day Workshop and Kisan Mela on 23rd March, 2013 at DAV College, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. More...... FRI: 26.03.2013
Workshop organized by TFRI on 23.03.2013 at Koni, Bilaspur on Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve. More..... TFRI: 26.03.2013
IFGTB, coimbatore conducted an "Awareness Training Workshop on the "CITES" during 19-21 March,2013. More....... IFGTB: 25.03.2013
Training on Applications of Technological & Research Interventions for Enhancing Forest Productivity by HFRI, Shimla. More.... HFRI: 22.03.2013
Distribution of payments under Direct to Consumer Scheme at IFP, Ranchi on 15th March, 2013. More....... IFP: 21.03.2013
Under Direct to Consumer Scheme of the council, HFRI motivated farmers from Khatnol and Nichar (Kinnaur) villages of HP. More.... HFRI: 19.03.2013
Inauguration of XII Annual Games and Sports Meet-2013 of FRI (Deemed) University by DG, ICFRE on 15.03.13. Photogallery ICFRE/FRI: 15.03.2013
Tribal Farmers Reaping Rich Benefit from Lac cultivation on Flemingia Spp. under Direct to Consumer Scheme. More....... IFP: 15.03.2013
Visit of Chair of Excellence, Forest Genetic Resources Management Network, ICFRE at TFRI, Jabalpur on 13.03.2013. More...... TFRI: 14.03.2013
Training on identification, sustainable utilization and conservation of medicinal plants of HP at FTI, Chail on 5.03.2013. More..... HFRI: 11.03.2013
FRI, Dehradun organized a two days Kisan Mela on 6-7th March, 2013 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. More....... FRI: 11.03.2013
Training on Defining the quality parameters for raising quality nursery stock of Deodar and Ban Oak at FTI, Chail. More..... HFRI: 08.03.2013
IFGTB organized two days Kisan Mela-2013 on 21-22nd Feb., 2013. More........ (In Hindi) IFGTB: 07.03.2013
Workshop-cum Training on "Recent Advances in Forestry Research and Sustainable N.T.F.P. Harvesting. More...... TFRI: 06.03.2013
25 participants visited TFRI, Jabalpur from Balaghat Rangers College. More....... TFRI: 05.03.2013
M.Sc. Botany students from Vikram University visited TFRI, Jabalpur on 01st March, 2013 for field visit. More....... TFRI: 05.03.2013
A report on "Modern Nursery Techniques and Production of Tall Plants of Deodar": A Training held at Mashobra, Shimla. More..... HFRI: 04.03.2013
TFRI Participation in Mahakaushal Vigyan Mela organized by M.P. Council of Science & Technology during 24-26 Feb., 2013. More..... TFRI: 01.03.2013
Visit of Dr. Ram Prasad, Former PCCF (M.P.) and former Vice Chancellor, Barkatullaha University, Bhopal to TFRI, Jabalpur. More..... TFRI: 01.03.2013
Training and awareness programme on development of agroforestry in Eastern UP by CSFER, Allahabad on 25.02.2013 More....... CSFER: 28.02.2013
Visit of students from Ayurvedic College, Nagpur to TFRI, Jabalpur on 13th Feb. 2013. More....... TFRI: 26.02.2013
Visit of M.Sc. Botany students from Govt. Model Science College, Jabalpur to TFRI on 11th Feb. 2013. More....... TFRI: 25.02.2013
40 Forest guard trainees from forest school Govindgarh, Rewa visited TFRI on 6th Feb. 2013. More....... TFRI: 25.02.2013
Visit of the 25 students of Maharashtra School, Jabalpur to TFRI on 4th Feb. 2013. More....... TFRI: 25.02.2013
Visit of the IFS Probationers from IGNFA, Dehra Dun to TFRI, Jabalpur on 8th & 24th January, 2013. More....... TFRI: 25.02.2013
TFRI participated in Career Mela organized by MP State Government at Mahakoshal Arts and Commerce College on 4-5 Jan., 2013. More..... TFRI: 25.02.2013
Training on Silviculture and Management of Agro forestry species from frontline staff of Punjab Forest Department. More....... FRI: 25.02.2013
Visit of Mr. B.K. Singh, PCCF, Karnataka Forest Department, to Extension Stall established at Maha Kumbh-2013, Allahabad. More.... CSFER:21.02.2013
Visit of Dr. A.K. Srivastava, DG Forest, MoEF, New Delhi to Extension Stall established at Maha Kumbh-2013, Allahabad. More.... CSFER:21.02.2013
Filed training on Lac cultivation using Scientific Approach was organized on 22-23 Jan., 2013. More....... IFP: 21.02.2013
Establishment of Agro-forestry, organic farming and Kishan nursery by Dr. S. P. Singh, D.D.G, Admin, ICFRE. More... News Clippings CSFER:14.02.2013
Training on Conservation, Utilization and Cultivation of important Medicinal Plants: A Report, Kathu, Jammu(J&K) on 07.02.2013 More... HFRI: 14.02.2013
Visit of Dr. S. P. Singh, D.D.G. Admin ICFRE, Dehra dun to Extension Stall established at Maha Kumbh-2013, Allahabad. More... CSFER: 13.02.2013
Training on Field Identification of important timbers for RFOs of Karnataka State Forest Deptt. at IWST. More.... IWST: 11.02.2013
IFGTB is conducting an Awareness workshop on CITES for various implementation agencies, 19-21 March, 2013 More.... IFGTB: 07.02.2013
Training on Application of Technological and Research Interventions for enhancing forest productivity at FTI, Chail More..... HFRI: 07.02.2013
A report on the second meeting of Task Force on Dus Testing guidelines for Casuarina and Eucalyptus at IFGTB. More...... IFGTB: 06.02.2013
Workshop cum villager's meeting of demo village, Lanabanka held at Rajgarh, Sirmour on 31st Jan., 2013. More..... HFRI: 04.02.2013
One day training of 53 Forest Guards from Assam Forest Guards' School, Makum at RFRI, Jorhat on 2nd Feb., 2013. More..... RFRI: 04.02.2013
One day training of 11 members of Foresters from Arunachal Pradesh at RFRI, Jorhat on 3rd Feb., 2013. More..... RFRI: 04.02.2013
Five days Training on Silviculture and Management Practices of Agroforesty species. More....... FRI: 01.02.2013
Two days farmers Training on social forestry from 22-23 January, 2013 at CSFER, Allahabad. More..... CSFER: 01.02.2013
Establishment of "Extension Stall" by the CSFER, Allahabad in Mahakumbha-2013 at Allahabad. More..... CSFER: 01.02.2013
A Several species of Eucalyptus are planted for production of pulp to meet the increasing demand from paper. More....... IFGTB: 01.02.2013
MoU was signed between Shri A.K. Verma, IFS, PCCF and HoFF, KFD and Dr. N. Krishnakumar, Director, IFGTB on 30.01.2013. More....... IFGTB: 01.02.2013